Case Study

Company Profile
Company: IKM Haaland AS
Size: €14.6M
Location: Norway
Machine: Planar P130.100
IKM Haaland AS, part of the IKM group, is one of Norway’s biggest sheet metal processing companies. Founded in the 1930s as a furniture factory, it changed direction in the 1950s to nail production before starting sheet metal production in the 1980s.
The majority of their customer base comes from the Norwegian electronic industry, but also include customers from most other segments of industry.
With a customer base of approx. 350 companies, IKM Haaland produce products ranging from small brackets to large cabinets and bridge solutions for ships. They work exclusively as a sub-contractor offering services including laser cutting, punching, welding, assembly and powder coating.
IKM Haaland AS prides itself on being a modern and innovative company and was one of the first companies to purchase a Planar machine in 2005. This machine is still in operation in their facility today, illustrating the durability and reliability of the Planar.
“The Planar machine has reduced the inspection time of parts by fifty percent, is easy to use and has survived the conditions of a factory floor very well.”
— Chriss Andrè Eide, Quality Control IKM Haaland AS
Prior to 2005, the company was manually inspecting parts with a range of different types of measurement tools including calipers and gauges. They invest in the latest production technology and wanted to move away from manual inspection methods. They needed a solution which was more effective and gave a better verification of the parts. Inspection requirements are typically for 20-30 parts to be verified per week.
Chriss Andrè Eide, Quality Control Technician told InspecVision that “the Planar machine has reduced the inspection time of parts by fifty percent, is easy to use and has survived the conditions of a factory floor environment very well”. The Planar has also proved to be “especially useful for some products”.
He also stated that “it wasn’t difficult to justify the Planar machine compared to our old inspection methods” and found the support provided by the local distributor and InspecVision to be “superb”.
To find out more information about the Planar and how it can help your business like we helped IKM Haaland please download our online brochure and contact our sales team at